-~ 25 for his group a summary report of their activities and results in July.


was entitled "A Summary of Dominic Wave Measurements and Instrumentation," No.

Van Doren that their groups function was principally

as an

advisor to the hazards evaluation branch and that hopefully this report might
suffice as their input since he did not see how they could come up with an
amended final report by the deadline of Dec. 10.

submitted the draft final report for H&N

14th, E. Bowen of H&N

involvement in Dominic to Saunders.

This 37 page summary was to be annex A of the final report.

Saunders requested an amended final report from Scripps, (Van Doren) by
4 Jan.

63 on 12 Dec.

Here is an 11 Jan.

63 transmittal letter to CJTF-8 from Saunders attaching

2 copies of the Task Unit 8.5.1 final draft of Operation Dominic activities.
Note that this was a draft with some inaccuracies since it was completed before

the end of the operation and JTF-8 wants to review it for format at this time.

A letter from Mustin to Saunders on 18 Feb. 63 refers to Annex A of the

JTG 8.5 final report.

1 Mar. 63.

That Annex is returned with some critical comments and

the final total report should be forwarded to JTF-8 not later that

Note that by this time Saunders was officially commander of 8.5.

Here is the transmittal letter, dated 27 Feb. 63, of the final report of
JTG 8.5 participation in Operation Dominic, forwarding 15 copies to JTF-8.
Revision pages to this final report were distributed on May 23, 63.

One of

the instructions is for existing copies to have the marking "Volume IV" removed
from the front of the report.

This is because of instructions from Mustin on

1 May 63 which said "Identification as Volume IV is no longer meaningful with

Select target paragraph3