- 23 Dynamics proceedures into an overall proceedure and go/no-go criteria to be

presented to CJTF-8.

The JTF-8 ad hoc safety committee met in Culver City

on 15 Mar. to discuss mainly the safety aspects of the Thor and the re-entry
vehicles, at which PMR personnel stated "They can predict the theoretical impact
point of the warhead within an 8,350 radius circle providing at least 10 seconds

of tract after burnout
but not a mixture and,

is obtained.”


could carry either 3 pods or 3 RV's

following a meeting at Sandia on 29 Mar.,

they are now

attempting to devise a way to carry 2 RV's and 1 pod on Starfish but have little

confidence in attaining this capability.
carried will be made about 1 June."

"The final decision as to what will be

The 3 pods for the certification launch will

be shipped from General Dynamics to arrive at J.I. by 18 April.

AVCO, the RV

contractor, expects to have 3 ready RV's in Boston on 20 May, following this

late requirement.

The RV's will have their own attitude control system (rockets)

but will not be tracked.

Note that recovery of the pods and the RV's from the

ocean is the responsibility of the Navy Task Group.

When brought back to J.1.

they will be placed in a radiation exclusion area established on the southwest

end of J.1.
As for aircraft modification, "modification of the 2 KC 135 aircraft for projects
8A.1 and 8A.2 is on schedule.

Optical windows will be installed on 15 April,

and full scale fuselage pressure tests will begin on 16 April."
As for experiments in the communications field, observations in the VLF region
will be minimum and will include significant gaps, whereas the HF region will be
well covered and VHF region will not be investigated.

New projects include 7.2 -

radio frequency radiometry, MIT Lincoln Laboratory; 7.3 - radar propagation,
White Sands Army Signal Support Agency; and 7.5 - thermal measurements, ASD.

On 7 June 62, Task Unit 8.5.3 at the University of Washington submitted a
“Mid-Operation Report and Request for Further Support" to the Commander of 8.5.

Select target paragraph3