~ 22 Here is an interesting document dated 15 Jan. 62 and sent by the
University of California at San Diego to Bill Ogle proposing a project

entitled "Waterwave Forecasting and Hindcasting" to be carried out by Bill
Van Doren of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The project is proposed to

begin 1 Feb. and extend thru 1962 and the amount would be about $190,000.
Note that one of those to sign this project proposal when it is finalized

would be Herbert York, now Head of UCSD.

The proposal would include installation,

maintenance, and operation of waterwave instrumentation as well as data analysis
and wave forecast and hindcast “as are necessary for the safe conduct of this

operation on a day-to-day basis."

Here is a submittal of "construction criteria for DOD DASA Fishbowl Projects"
from Task Unit 8.1.3 to OFO on 21 Feb. 62.

Actually there are 2 separate letters

detailing the support required for each technical project.
1.1 ~- high altitude air blast measurements, BRL;
2.2 - gamma radiation, NDL;

The projects are:

2.1 - external neutron flux, NDL;

6.1A - rocket borne propagation thru fireball, WSASSA;

6.2 - rocket borne gamma ray scanner, BRL; 6.3 B & D + D region physical chemistry,
BRL; 6.4-E-F region physical chemistry, CRL; 6.7 - magnetic containment, AFSWC;
8A.3 - structural response high altitude fireball, ASD; 8B- x-ray spectrum,
X-ray energy, and total momentum, all by AFSWC;


9.1 A & B - atmospheric parameter

profile, CRL; and 9.4 B - pod and recovery unit procurement, AFSWC.

Note that requirements for various types of AEC support continued well into
Mar. of 62, not only from Field Command but from Sandia, LASL,


Here is an 11 April copy of the Field Command status report on Fishbowl
for the period ending 31 Mar.
in Los Angeles on 30 Mar.


A meeting to work on the countdown was held

to integrate the Douglas, Cubic, Sandia, and General

Select target paragraph3