- 2120 Dec. 61 and attended by representatives of the 3 labs, Douglas, AFSWC, EG&G,
H&N, AEC, and Air Force Organizations with both requirements and support


Here is a message from AFSWC to LASL and Livermore on 27 Dec.
to Wakefield, Wouters,


Shearer, and Goeckerman) on 2 additional aircraft

calibrations drops off the West Coast proposed for Jan. 62.

These are in

addition to 2 already planned drops and will include the B-52 dropping an

instrumented expendable shape provided by Sandia.

Observation from the C-130's

will include DME, Sandia telemetry, and "some sort of photo flash or spotting
charge which will be useful in determining the height of burst and in aligning

diagnostic instrumentation."

Major Martin of AFSWC is the contact for this if

the labs desire to participate.

A 5 Jan. 62 letter from Lt. Col. McAdam of AFSWC to Dick Wakefield concerns
the safe positioning of the C-130's.

In response to questions from Wakefield,

AFSWC is planning that the LASL aircraft will be at an altitude of 5000 ft. for
a test at that burst altitude.

A table follows which contains the horizonal range

stand-off distance as a function of yield for that altitude in order for the
C-130 to withstand .2 PSI in a tail-on configuration.

Here is a Planning Directive for Operation Dominic from Reeves on 15 Jan.
which is particular addressed to the AEC support Task Group, 8.5, which Reeves

After listing the specific responsibilities of that Task Group,

person made responsible is the Deputy Commander, Joe Saunders.


Select target paragraph3