- 20 which would be peculiar to Johnston from the Vandenferg consideration were
discussed and detailed to H&N who would be doing the construction work.


various peripheral facilities such as a propulsion shop, hydraulic shop, and
AC Spark Plug shop, were noted and Douglas said they would provide the equipment

to be installed in these shops but the facilities in various states of cleaniness
would be required at J.I.

Saye estimated it would take 13 weeks after completion

of pad construction for Douglas to have the launch complex ready for operations.
Douglas estimated that they would require approximately 120 people at Johnston

until the missile is ready for launch after which this would decrease to about

Here is a let of minutes written by D. Sherwood of ALO on 15 Dec. covering

a 13 Dec. meeting at ALO on the high altitude test program.

Most of the attendees

were from Sandia or LASL with a few from Livermore and DMA and ALO represented.
It was at this meeting that the various companions rocket requirements were

discussed and Mid-way was decided not to be required whereas it would be desirable
to launch 2 Journeymans from Point Arguello.

The thinking at this time is that

these missiles would be launched approximately 7 minutes before the Thor in order

to attain the proper apogee for a Line sake’ to the 400 kilometer shot.


at both Johnston Island and Kauai for companion rockets was also discussed.

Here is a 20 Dec. letter from Keith Byrne, Acting

Director of the Air Force

within AFSWC at this time to ALO which informed them that AFSWC has

requested 24 B-57 type samplers of Headquarters Air Force and been informed that
this requirement cannot be satisfied.

I think this letter is documented elsewhere

and the Air Force has replied that 15 B-57's, including 4 D's, would be made

Here is documentation of a communications meeting held in Las Vegas on

Select target paragraph3