-19Note also in this time frame, about 20 Nov.,

that Sandia and EG&G submitted

rather detailed estimates of support in the way of costs and equipment for a
Christmas Island type series.

Note also that Bill Ogle sent Betts a letter on 17 Nov. entitled "LASL
Diagnostic Program Tabulation for Possible Pacific Atmospheric Test Program"
which referenced No. 142102Z from Reeves to Betts with info to all other concerned

agencies which covered a 13 Nov. meeting of the "principals" in Albuquerque.
Betts addressed this meeting with the posibilities for Pacific testing and the
TWX tried to lay these out in detail and asked the various info addressees, such
as LASL to comment to Betts as Ogle did in this brief letter on 17 Nov.

Here is a letter I don't think I have seen elsewhere from Goeckermann to
Ogle on 29 Nov. 61.

In light of recent conversations, Livermore has prepared

a list of items that they wish Ogle to gather information on during his upcoming
trip to Christmas.

The numerous detailed questions are included under the

topographic features, hydrological features, existing structures and

facilities, engineering details,

support capabilities, weather data, industrial

and radiological safety, administrative features, signal and communication cable
and facilities, device handling and assembly and transportation (etc.), and

adaptability of site to our proposed layout.

Here is a 6 Dec.

trip report from Frank Drake of H&N documenting a meeting

at Vandenberg on 30 Nov. with AEC, Sandia, and Douglas to "discuss the ground

facilities required for the use of Thor missiles during the test series" at
Johnston Island.

Douglas provided an inspection of launch pad No. 6(@% Saye)

which they said would be dismantled in its entirety and moved to Johnston to

"expedite the project under consideration."

A number of engineering details

Select target paragraph3