-18thru: May whd including about 41 air drops.

The latter concept it is noted

would require extending and widening the Christmas Island air strip to
accomodate the B-52's, which of course was not done.

One of the items at the

meeting noted, in the absence of any LASL attendee, that "as a result of LASL
commitments to support the Rover program, it will not be possible for them to

man, concurrently, weapon test operations at the NTS and in the Pacific area.
During the months now scheduled for tests at Christmas Island, holes for underground detonation will be stockpiled for future LASL use.

LRL, however, with its

Nevada organization will be able to conduct operations simultaneously at both

Consequently, they have been directed to further develop their tunnel


The 41 event Christmas operation would include 15 balloon shots

and 26 airdrops.

As for personnel and capabilities to support personnel at

Christmas, H&N estimates there are accomodations for 3725,

including 3000

enlisted men type accomodations, whereas there is an estimate of about 1500
personnel needed there, exclusive of the H&N requirements.

A good summary

statement of this meeting is that it was quite preliminary and there were a
number of inaccuracies in what might be done and various support capabilities
and requirements.

Here is an interesting document from Bob Petrie of Livermore dated 16

Nov. 61 to Jim Reeves and the title is "Engineering, Construction, and
Construction Support Required for the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory ak Christmas



This is a somewhat detailed estimate of the initial

and more extensive scientific construction to support both a quick type operation
at Christmas Island as well as a long term or extended operation there, merely
for Livermore's requirements.

It includes support for barge shots, balloon

launched tests as well as air drops.

Select target paragraph3