
61 degrees from Taongi.


There is some thought given to a 15 Nov. date for this

test and there are clearly problems with providing any sort of technical diagnostics
(samplers and/or bhangmeters) unless authorization is given immediately and some
interference worked out.

A memo from Jim Sugden to Reeves on 6 Nov. notes that

he and Ryan of H&N

visited J.I. on 2 Nov. to "investigate the feasibility of supporting groundstationed diagnostic instrumentation for Phase II" of Ever Ready. The island
now has a population of 125, building up to support a SAMOS project to begin

about 1 Jan. and requiring 175 people to support.

Also, they were informed that

the base had recently supported 400-500 personnel engaged in some DOD programs.
Sugden was specifically investigating the sampler aircraft problem and feels
that with the addition of distillation units for fresh water for detontamination,

parking of the aircraft and accomodation of the samplers at Johnston Island
instead of Barber's Point could be carried out.

There is the problem of how to

return samples by 135's since they cannot use J.1.

Note for possible future reference that there is a draft document,

19 pages

long, containing a concise chronology of the correspondence pertinent to Ever

Ready (later called Bluestraw) from the beginning of Oct. thru Nov. contained
in this folder, dated 6 Nov. 61.

Here is a 15 Nov. report of a meeting on a estimates of time, manpower,
and costs for proposed Pacific operations held at H&N in Los Angeles on 14 Nov.
and this report is written by John Pollet.
to a number of H&N personnel were Sugden,


Attending the meeting in addition
Sullivan, and Gibbons of Livermore.

3 concepts considered were the "quick and dirty" operation, the several

J.I. shots and an entirely Christmas Island operation stretching from March

Select target paragraph3