~14"insufficient direction to undertake such positive steps as designation of a
Task Force Commander or a DOD support coordinator, even though I recognize the
need for thinking and planning to meet such possible requirements.'"'

He indicated

his desire that ALO continue such in-house planning.

Here is a 10 Oct. 61 message from Carruthors to EG&G giving the tentative
air drop list with ready dates for possible Livermore tests.

This list, which

has been provided to DMA, shows the first device to be the 41 ready by 15 Nov.,

followed by the 56 and 38 by 15 Dec., and the 55 in Feb. of 62.

A 10 Oct. message from Reeves to Batzel reiterates the earlier estimate based
on procuring hardware,

that barge shots at EPG will require 5 months to prepare

after authorization.

Here is a Field Command memo on 16 Oct. documenting these DOD plans or

proposals for atmospheric testing as of this time for various purposes.


the details that were briefed by the Sec. of Defense to the President on

9 Oct., including recommending a comprehensive atmospheric test program which

would include tests from a few weeks up to two years for the more complex ones.
It also notes some highlights from the authorization on 12 Oct. from the Sec.

of Defense to the JCS to prepare for the planning of the

"quick and dirty"

air drops and operational tests of Atlas, Polaris and Asrock as well as planning
for high altitude effects tests overseas and surface burst effects tests at NTS.
Also authorized was the reactivation of a Joint Task organization within "existing

service manpower authorization and funds available.''

There is an interesting

table contained herein showing various aboveground tests plans with tentative
schedules with the first being balloon tests at the NTS beginning with
in Oct. of 61.

In addition to these accelerated Nougat tests, the next above-

Select target paragraph3