-13their tethered balloon systems which could be made ready on a relative short
time frame but a more reasonable approach would allow it to be done properly

in 6-8 months.

"H&N briefconference on the condition of Eniwetok and Bikini

in so far as they have been able to ascertain from visual inspection.
that Elmer buildings are in good shape.
may have to be replaced.

Electrical and mechanical installations

Overhead electrical


However, feeders will probably have to be replaced.

It appears

is unknown and will have to be checked.


appears good.

The state of underground
The big problem will be obtaining

a stock of equipment and material to support a test program.

H&N has a roster

containing 10,000 former employees and feels that manpower will not be too difficult
a problem.

Bikini would require extensive rehabilitation since, other than Nan

500 power plant, all other equipment, material, etc. have been removed to support


H&N will immediately begin working on the present drawings, preparing

lists of materials and equipment required and going through their personnel files
seeking the appropriate manpower.

They will prepare 2 schedules, one for the

crash 2 and 2 program and the other on resuming a standard program such as Hardtack
Phase I as rapidly as possible.

Cost estimates for FY 61 and 62 will be prepared

and H&N will be ready to discuss this all in more detail on the 26th.

A 25 Sept. TWX from Hertford to Betts documented these particular ideas for
atmospheric testing as well as pointing out the possibility of a "quick and
dirty" operation which could utilize a Task Force commanded by an Air Force

Commander “of suitable rank who could staff his organization at the Kirtland
location and logistical problems would be related only to military staging areas.
Liaison only with OFO would be necessary.''

Herein, Hertford recommended Major

General McCorkle for this particular role.

Two days later, Betts replied by message to Hertford noting that there is

Select target paragraph3