

doing a physical survey might trigger unwanted speculation and Rex would discuss
this with Reeves.

Finally authorized was a small sum of money for a preliminary

study to be done in Los Angeles on this subject and to be accomplished"discreetly."
Sullivan was head of the Los Angeles Branch office of the AEC.

In a meeting on 21 Sept., documented by a message from Reeves to Sullivan

and H&N on 22 Sept., H&N was authorized to perform time studies and make cost
estimates for supporting an atmospheric program at Eniwetok and Bikini for the
2 laboratories and the DOD as well as a program of 5 missile shots for the DOD
from J.I.

Here is a 25 Sept. memo from Sudgen to Reeves on this same meeting which
may have been 20 Sept., and at which H&N was given guidance on preparation of
this study for opening the EPG.

LASL presented a short term program

and “has ordered bomb cases and will prepare these shots for air drop
over the Eniwetok lagoon."

LASL desires fireball diagnostics, radio chemistry,

and other photo diagnostics on these tests and feel they could have the devices
ready in 2 months.

H&N feels that they might be ready to support in 60 days

and this would entail "reopening Parry Island and laying a target area in the

northwest lagoon."

Livermore's quickest program would be to have 2 barge shots,
There are 5 cargo barges currently

on hand at EPG which could be utilized as shot barges and Livermore estimates
they could be ready to fire in 90 days but H&N felt it would require at least
5 months to prepare for such shots.

Both labs discussed a more relaxed approach

feeling that LASL could easily do the 2 air drops in 6 months and Livermore the
barge shots in 8 months.

Next discussed was a longer range more extensive

atmospheric program wherein both labs would desire to do 14-16 tests and the
DOD about 5 shots at Eniwetok and 5 missile shots from J.I.

Sandia discussed

Select target paragraph3