~15ground tests would be Atlas D and Asrock system tests in Oct.-Nov. and the first

quick and dirty air drops in 5-12 Nov.

As for high altitude

tests, the first one shown is estimated at 15 July 62


71 miles altitude, followed by a Blue Gill type and Starfish type test on a 9-18
month time scale.

Here is the first indication of a meeting of the "Christmas Tree Working

Group," chaired by Bob Miller on 12 Oct. 61.

I believe that I may have the

notes on this elsewhere but for purposes of the record, in addition to Miller,
the attendees were Nordyke and Denton of Livermore, Blossom of LASL, and Huff
of ALO.

A memo from Miller to Luckett, Chief of the Administrative Branch of the

Office of Field Operations of ALO on 23 Oct. begins, "This will advise you that
we are in final stages of planning for the executive of a series of air drops
to be made in the Pacific (Hilo and Johnston Island areas).
plans division (which Miller directs)

to finalize these plans."

The program and

is presently working directly with AFSWC

Miller goes on to raise the point that possibly their

organization may have to be integrated into and support a Joint Task Force and
wishes to know how they stand on this and what planning and preparation might be

done in anticipation of such a role.

Clearly, Miller was behind the operations

directive for Ever Ready which made it seem more of an imminent reality than
almost anything else and I can see this man in his new role and in his eagerness
perhaps making Ever Ready seem a little more ready than it seemed to outsiders.
Even as I say this I am looking at a lengthy and detailed USAF test plan for this

“quick and dirty" operation that was prepared by AFSWC and forwarded by McCorkle
to Hertford on 23 Oct. which had already been presented to the Air Staff and
for which the Air Force was proceeding to be ready for air drops from 15 Nov. on.

Select target paragraph3