OFFICIAL UsE GHLY .btachuen: UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY WASHINGTON - FOZ LAO voverber G, 1956 MEDORAD TO: UL OCB CIA IcA - Mr. Staats Mi. Egner Vr. Tobler Defense - Mr. Wyeth State SUBJECT: - Mr. Richards White House - lr, dackson Disarmament Staff - iir, Lincman atomic Energy Commission — ilr. licGruder Reaction to U.S. Domestic Debate Over Iinding H-Bomb Tests At the OCB Luncheon Jieeting on October 17, 1956 the above subject was discussed, UsTIA was reauested to prepare a brief renvort on overseas reaction, Attached is a report for you’ use and for the information of vovr porincinal who attends OB luncheon neetings. If more snecific information is desired I can provide it from the raw material available in my office. Frederic O, Bundy Attachment: (1) Board assistant 2evare above named renort, BEST COPY AVAILABLE 1OP/Bsi OP undy:eth OFFICTAL USE CILY Attachment . REPOSITORY Praseh, Keler ary couection NSE-O6.B Artes BOXNo, 12 FOLDEA LLE . £0D.4 lAtonic Ene "85 J CPiule +5) /6) Cau, 1G8le- San 1457)