CiTICTAL Use OLY UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY WASHINGTON tan” </ BBACTICY LO U. vo. DG: wltC UERATE OVER RUDING He3G:B TE3TS B MA OF Sa Ad On the basis of resvonses received so far to a telegraphic query to certain major field posts and other information available, reaction in non-Communist areas to the domestic United States debate on ending H~bomb tests apnears to have been moderate. News coverage, in most instances, was widespread but not heavy. Interest in the issue seems to have been divided between an interest, on the one hand, in the actual subject of the debate and concern over the testing issue, and, on the other, interest in the issue as an aspect of the United States election. #ditorial comment was moderate in volume and, except for the communist and left-wing vress, generally restrained in tone. The news coverage was only occasionally sensatio-al in tone - - and this more often in its treatment of the issue as an element in United States election develomments than in its treatment of testing and related problens, The Stevenson position commanded more suport and sympathy among commentators than did lresident Eisenhow-r's position, While there was considerable sneculation on the role the issue might play in affecting the results of the election, no consene:S emerges clearly; there anpears to be a tendency to discount the decisiveness of testing as an election issue, The Dulganin-Uisenhower exchanie received in general Sinilar coverage and here a stronger note of en reval of the fresicent's course seems detectable, Li-tle information is os yet available on Near astern end rar Eastern reaction, but in thore areas reaction sees to be based on continuing concern over the effects of tests and less on interest in the lv. election. ws ORY A SAPELLIGS fhe possibility of a ban of nuclear veanons tests was frequently discussed ty “Soviet commencators, /ccording to loscow nropapardists, homb-test ban discvesions have now become the center of attention in the U.5, election campairn. 4s in past comeents on this tonic, Soviet media indicated that te test ban issve has been introduced into campaign / oratory primarily because the Democrats have found it QL. FICIAL U3 GLY - expedient + , 1 ’ Vv J “ty