

(4) Facsimile.

Intercept of Pacific-Weather Fox in ENIWETOK

and USS ESTES weather centrals,

Special Communication Relay Information

(1) Upon approval of the supervisor at UWFJA, AEC Communication

Center (UWFJA), LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO, will act as a relay point

for traffic encrypted at point of origin (Relay Center, ENIWETOR).
(2) Task force traffic destined for KIRTLAND AFB, NEW MEXICO,
(JWFKD) will be routed through SACOMNET facilities within the ZI.

(3) Direct on-line teletype service will be provided from Primary Relay Station (UHP) to Hqs, USARPAC (UHPB) and CINCPAC/CINCPAC-


Search and Rescue.

Communications for search and rescue will

be provided in accordance with "Search and Rescue Joint Standard
Operating Procedure, Pacific"; JANAP 300, The Air-Sea Rescue Manval,
and JANAP 107, Joint Emergency Rescue Commnication Procedure.
f. Jamming or Interference. Any jamming or serious interference
should be reported immediately to the J-5 Division, Hqs, JTF SEVEN
by the most expeditious means. In emergencies, such reports may be
made over available VHF circuits or over the local ship-shore CW

circuit (2836 kes), using encrypted message.
Comminications-Electronic Logistics Support

Logistics Support.

Commnications-electronics units and sec-

tions of this command will receive logistics support as indicated

in CJTF SEVEN Administrative Order No. 2-53.

b. Standard Equipment. Each task group is responsible for providing logistic support for commnications-electronic equipment procured or supplied by its respective Service. Sufficient spare

parts will be maintained on hand to insure successful completion of
the mission,

c. Non-Standard Equipment. Requests for commnications-electronic
supplies or equipment to be supplied by another Service or equipment non-standard to any of the military services requiring the use
of task force funds will be submitted to Hqs, JTF SEVEN for approval.
d. Crystals. Each task group will procure crystals through normal
channels so far as possible. Task Group 7.2 will operate a crystal
grinding facility for emergency production of crystals for all elements of the task force, Task group commmications officers desir
ing special crystals ground will submit requests for such crystals
to the J-5 Division, Hqs, JTF SEVEN.
Administration. Joint task force and task group headquarters, except CTG 7.3, will be located at ENIWETOK ATOLL with commanders
and key operations staff personnel moving to BIKINI so as to be on

site two (2) days before and one (1) day after each shot.

Hgs, TG

7.3 will be located on PARRY ISLAND until about one week prior to

the first shot.

Thereafter, it will be located afloat on board the

CVE, unless otherwise directed.


Administrative and logistic staffs

Select target paragraph3