program to insure most efficient use of limited operational communications facilities.
(3) Process all requests for frequencies through J-5 Division,

same division

Also report promptly interference problems to this

(4) Prior to each shot and each rehearsal, test all commnica-

tion facilities and circuits to be employed during the shot to insure their satisfactory operation.

(5) As indicated in paragraph 2, COI 10-3, task groups may submit requirements for additional COIs desired to Assistant Chief of

Staff, J=-5, Has, JTF SEVEN.

(6) Distribute copies of APSAL 5369 (Joint Authentication Sys-

tem) to neceszary task group individuals and/or activities.
Special Measures and Instructions

a. COI. Commrications shali be in accord with the current issue
of CJTF SEVEN Comounications Operation Instructions (COI),
b. Time. Tne 24 hour clock, which eliminates the use. of AM and
PM, will be used for expressing time within this command.

(1) Time zone "M" (-12) applies for forward area activities.
(2) When establishing date-time groups for outgoing messages,

JANAP 127 will be complied with, using Greenwich Civil (ZEBRA) time
for the purpose.

c. Weather Comainications Facilities.
available tc this force include:

Weather communications

(1) Gw
(a) Net between the Task Force Weather Central on ENIWETOK

and outlying weather stations at RONGERIK, MAJURO, PONAPE and

KUSATE. (b) Intercept of Pacific Weather Broadcast.
(c) Circuit between weather central and weather aircraft.

(2) RATT
(a) Intercept of Pacific broadcasts.

(b) Duplex point-to-point weather circuit between Weather
Central, ENTWETOK and Weather Central, USS ESTES,
(3) Voice
(a) Circuit between Weather Central, ENIWETOK and weather


(b) Circuit from Weather Central, USS ESTES and weather air-


Select target paragraph3