Ma Annex L, page 1-2, paragraph 3d(2) - Change to read: or routine administrative messages not concerned with Operation CASTLE which may be transmitted over normal Navy circuits." v1. Annex L number paragraph 3d(8) e 1-2, paragraph to read 3d(7). ~ Delete and re- “a. annex L “. Annex L, page IL-7, parepraph 6c(11) - Change the word aragraph 6c(6) e 1-6, 3d paragraph 6a(8) and page L-7, — Substitute "ENYU" for "Firing Party," "plan! to maa "plant." Oo. sAnnex M, Appendix TII ciassitteatyon to CONFIDENTIAL. p. es M-ITI-1 and N-ITI-2 - Change Annex N, page N-4, paragraph 6£, 7i and 7j — Change reference "7" to read "7k," ae Annex N, Appendix I, page N-I-4, paragraph 17¢(3) ~ Change reference "La" to read "5a! 3. Attention is invited to CUTF SEVEN dispatch 1707472 Jan. Effective 17 January 1954, CJIF SEVEN Operation Plan No. 3-53 became an operation order. 4 Incl 1. Pages C-1 and C-2 (Rev.) 2. Annex D 3. Annex I 4. Annex S (Rev, ) DISTRIBUTION: Holders of CJIF SEVEN OpOrder No. 3-53 OFFICIAL: Latlawedfe. Colonel, Uw. S. Air F Assistant Chief of Staff, J-3 Ps Ws CLARKSON Major General, Us5. Army Commander