Fic. q i - 7 by. OF ve 3-83 / Changs f rhe . Rem: HEADQUARTERS, J } Task Force SEVIX ., 27-tHows:2 ce7ePostmaster vm Sen Rrancigep, ;Califomia + 10 February 195)" CHANGS ~** ~~: of the (No. 1) ARUED FoReLs Qperation Order ! mh w Poe.Fo 2 me eaternn CJTF SEVEN No. 3-53 1. SPIS TAu WIAPG., f { ahe The following corrections and inclosed pages constitute Change No. 1 to CUIF SEVEN Operation Order No. 3-53. The inclosed pages should be inserted in their proper places and the rescinded pages removed and destroyed in accordance with applicable security regulations. New pages C-1 and C-2 replace original page C-1 only and require renumbering of subsequent pages. 2. van the following pen and ink corrections: Annex A, page A-3, paragraph 5n - After last sentence add "In the event unidentified aircraft enter the test area, CTG 7.3 will alert CTG 7.4 regarding the situation. CTG 7.4 will direct test air craft to depart the area on appropriate headings and control of the area will revert to CTG 7.3 for the duration of the defensive effort." b. Annex A, page A-4, paragraph 8 ~- Change last sentence to read: "The weather island airlift will be controlled by CTG 7.4 utilizing PBM aircraft made available by the CO, Naval Station, Kwajalein." . RESTRICTED Annex A, Appendix I and II - Change classification from to UNCLASSIFIED. d. Annex C, page C-2 (before renumbering) - Delete first seven lines at top of page. 6. Annex C, page C-~-4, paragraph 9, line 1 ~ Add the word "submarine" between "for" and "contact. ! ov . f. Annex C, page C-5, paragraph 12, line 8 - Delete words “SECURITY INFORMATION" and substitute words "RESTRICTED DATA." g. Annex C, page C-5, paragraph 12, dine 9 - Delete words "RESTRICTED - SECURITY INFORMATION® and substitute the word "CONFIDENTIAL." h. Annex E, page E-2 — Add Project 3-4, "Neutralization of Mine Fields." + Annex H, page H-l, paragraph f ~ Delete and reletter subsequent paragraphs. V4, Annex H, page H-3, paragraph z (before relette - Add second sentence as follows: "Assume control of shot area as necessary for air defense, alerting CTG 7.4 accordingly to permit removal of test aircraft from the area affected." corr no. {26 JTF L0G NO. S51