Naval Task Group Summary of Tasks
CJTP SEVEN No, 3--53

~ Provide space on the CVE for a mobile radiochemical laboratory,
a photodosimetry trailer and the associated operations of the radio-~
logical safety unit of TG 7.1.
J ¥; Assume responsibility for all aircraft decontamination at BIKINI
TOLL. Aircraft decontamination operations aboard the CVE will be
accomplished without outside assistance; however, operations ashore
at BIKINI will be conducted with assistance from CTG 7.1.


Provide dezontamination crews for TG 7.3 aircraft at ENIWETOK

t x.

Provide shipboard command, control and communications facilities


Limited assistance will be furnished by CTG 7.4 when requir-

for CJTF SEVEN and staff, communications and electronics facilities
for TG 7.4 aircraft control and command and administrative space

for Headquarters, TG 7.1 and TG 7.5.

M R Provide shipboard facilities te house elements of the joint task
force while afloat at BIKINI. Annex R applies.

Provide capability for emergency post~shot evacuation of personnel (for less than 48 hours) when pre-shot evacuation has not been



Provide for radiological safety of embarked task force personnel

during pericds afloat.

P » With facilities available, be prepared to provide alternate
emergency communications channels for the joint task force.
Q@ “6

Provide facilities and aerological personnel aboard the AGC for

the task force weather central and facilities required by commnications security monitoring personnel.

R x.

Assist CTG 7.5 as required in positioning and mooring weapons

barges and by providing standby support for moored barges in event
of bad weather.


¥% Position, service and recover special buoyage systems and instrumentation for TG 7.1 projects.

+ %

Assist in carrying out crater surveys as required by designated


Y X- Direct the movement of drone vessels during shot periods, in
coordination with CTG 7.1, and be prepared to assist in large scale
decontamination of these vessels and effects aircraft loaded thereon.

V \

Assist CTG 7.4 in search and rescue operations as required,

Annex O applies.

w % Provide one (1) DDE on station between ENIWETOK and BIKINI
ATOLLS during the BIKINI shot phases to assist in the control of



Coordinate with CTG 7.4 in the integration of 1% 7.3 aircraft

into shot time aircraft positioning plans.


Select target paragraph3