The M/V Militobi left Eniwetok at about 0900 and docked at Parry at 0930.

Parry has a land area of .335 sq. miles and is code named Elmer. It was
immediately apparent that the ieland had been intensively developed and
it was equally apparent that it had been abandoned for sometime.

nuclear tests ended in 1958.)
tour of the island.

The survey team disembarked and began a

The following remarks-.are based upon my observations made when touring
the island.
Due to the limited time that was available to stay on the
island, I was unable to prepare an inventory of each building and as

a result, will comment on only the major structures.

The dock is "L" shaped with the main
face about 300' in length. There is



a catwalk extension at the end of the
main portion of the dock. The dock
is supported by.2 parallel rows of
stecl .beams which are located approximately 10' from the outer edge of the
dock. The beams appear to be sound.
There are wooden piles along with pier
edge which are rotted completely
through at the water surface level.
It appears that the function of the
wooden piles was less structural than for the purpose of keeping boats
from going under the dock. There is a steel waterline which is
supported by the steel beams.
The pier has partially collapsed for a distance of about twenty feet from
the point of contact with the shore. A substantial amount of surface
planking would have to be replaced before the dock could be considered
a safe, operation facility.
I wag informed that the water depth at the dock
face had been dredge to 30' and that the facility regularly had handled
10,000 ton vessels.

There are five fuel storage tanks
located in the dock area. The
estimated capacity of the tanks
are three of two hundred thouSand (200,000) gallons capacity and two of one hundred
thousand (100,000) gallons




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