OCIS y &



Deputy High Commissioner





Office ef the High Commissioner, Saipan

DATE: 8 June 1972
Serial P+72-0092

Chief of Planning
Field Trip to Eniwetok

The Headquarters team arrived at Kwajalein on Wednesday, May 17, 1972.
The team included the following persons: Deputy High Commissioner -

Peter T. Coleman; Special Consultant to the High Commissioner - Dwight

Heine; Chief of the Land Cadaster Branch - Maynard Neas; Information
Specialist - Jon Anderson; Supt. Controlled Maintenance - Joe Nakanishi;
Community Development Engineer - Josef Rotholz; Chief of Planning -

Philip Chamberlain.

the following people:

The District team arrived the same day and included
District Administrator - Oscar DeBrum; Distric

Attorney - Russell Walker; District Agriculturist - George Nakanishi;

Legislative Secretary - Bryant S, Zebedy; Congress of Micronesia Rep. Ataji Balos; District Director of Public Affairs ~ Tony DeBrum and
Ujelang Councilman - Ishmael John.
Three representatives were present from Micronesia Legal Services
Corporation, This contingent was headed by T. R. Mitchellof Saipan
and included Chips Barry and Dennis Olsen both of Majuro.
The combined teams left Kwajalein on May 18 and arrived on Eniwetok
via Saturn Airways on the same day. Representatives of the Ujelang

Municipal Council had arrived at Eniwetok on the M/V Militobi on the

same morning and included:
Iroij Joannes;. Iroij Lor Anzi;-Magistrates
Smith Gordon, John Abram and Ertas John.

Deputy High Commissioner Peter T. Coleman called a meeting of the group

on the afternoon of May 18.

Those in attendance included those listed

above plus people from several U. S. government agencies and contracting
firms including:
Lt. Col. Earl W. Udick - SAMTEC; Lt. Col. Louis J.
Circeo - DOD (DNA); Thomas C. Turnbull - Gen. Elect.; Joe J. Farkas MATSCO; L. C. Growe - SAMTEC; M. E. Stevens - DNA (Logistic Directorate);
John Stewart - AEC and Roger Ray =- AEC.


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