Simultaneous fielding of our progrem with Noshkin's alleviates one of the
major concerns end problems associated with research in whe Pecific atcils.
Therefore, if funding were supplied for the manpower for the terrestrial
part of the program and for the necessary travel and esriculture surpiies,
the program could be initiated immediately (January, February 1975).

The specific projects for Enewetek end Bikini are now discussed in cetail.


The specific tasks to be carried out at Enewetak are as follows

> 2.

Pest Plantings and Radionuclide Reevcling

Test plots of coconut, pandanus, and breadfruit will be planted immediately.
Depending cn the size of the starter plants a lag time of three to five years
can be expected before fruit will be available. sheverores acditional test

plantings of arroxroot, squash,
bananas and sweet potetces will also
be initiated immediately.
These crops will rroduce very ouickly.
In cenguneticn

with data on reacicnuclide ccncentraticns in soll,

they will lead to

concentration factors
r for Puod orcducis an also to direct measuremnts of
radionuclide cone entration in feed preducts.
Tritiated water will be inject

into the groundwater at the rcot zone to determine the magnitude and rate of
uptake of soil groundwater by the different plant species.
Various forms of fertilizers will also be evaluated for eny reduction of
radionuclide uo
nd Sr) by these food chain plants. For exemple,
way sisgnirican
antly reguce tne uptake of Cs,

effects of phosonr
greatly eltered
the K content.



islands should be tested

um, nitrozen and other trace metals may recult in
th Cs and Sr. Mule hing could be used to increase

veretation cut

for clearing on "cola" soutner

S$ a mulch in the "hot" northern islends.

» Clean transported soil beds will elso be established on

the nortnern isl

with clean soil from southern islands sucn as Japten and Perry. The clean beds
will enable us to directly evaluate the role of vesetation as a mejor feedbec
mechanism in the cycling of radionuclices in the atoll ecosystem.

The use

clean beds, the removal of litter dropped from the vegetation, end mulcning
with clean vegetation from the south could serve to interrupt the cycling of
As indicated, the decay of litter to form humus material may well be the

primary source of eveailable radionuclides to plants.

It is essential to

Valuate the ebove-ground kinetics thet produce the input to the Grourevers
system. Therefore, biomass measurements will be made on Engebi to eesee

the standing-crop inventories of redicnuclides.,
Litter-fa11 collectors an
litter-bags will be employed to determine rates of litter fall and itt

decay. These measurements combined with data on groundweter cycling wi
important for a co:nprehensive understanding of radionuclide cycling and re

in the Atoll ecosysten.

Select target paragraph3