
To produce an ecolorical systems model cf redicnuciide trensrort,


In the long-term, to provide a continuins evaluative carability of
dose-to-man, so that DBER and DOS can cali upon us vo provide


yeevelins, and rete for the lons-livec radionuciiaes on tnese
corel island cnvironments.

quantitative descriptions of radiological consequences of proposed


These goals will be met by a combination of research tasks covered in

this 189 and a previous submission.

Marine Sciences of Radionuclides in the Marshall Islands (already

. funded by D3ER, RX-02-02 V. E. loshkin).

Both field work and the assessment and evaluation for Bikini will be ci

coordinated with those for Enewetek, to maintain a high degree of contre


uniformity in sexple collection, egricultural methods, analytical procedures,
and Tollow-u
informeticn Ger
evaluaticns of

sment would be sa integrated
eppiied to extend our previous

B FO Ou ch

The Enewelax people, the Micronesian Legal Services, and the Trust Territory
were told that within eae S-v ear pericad we could produce definitive inifcrmation
concerning the time-derenden ce of the radicnuclides in the environment and a
c r use of the northern part r th12 eroll. Iv is
more definitive time-tacle Fox
important tnat the necessary field work st Enevetan an
Buc some of the necessary research invclves peens ans ©
of asriculture prectices which in many cases involve
years before results
will besin to be available.

We propose, therefore, that the initial criticel studies outlined below be

started at the carliest vossible time tnat essential logistics and traniuortetion
support become evailable.
The necessery lcesistic ana trensporveticn furrem is cf

primary importance in any studies conducted in the Pacific atolls.
on the requirements are described in the bcdy of the 1859's. )

(More ceteils

At this time,

.» Victor Noshkin, Grouo Leader for Marine Sciences at LLL, is already Tunced
by "DBER for marine end groundwater studies at Enewetak Atoll.
He is scneduled
for a tour et Enewetak Atoll in January end February cf 1975 sleng with

personnel from the University of Hawaii and will have the LCU st his distocel.
Part of his program includes lens-water studies on many of the northern islands

at Enewetek Atoll where we must perform the necessary terrestrial ecolosy studies
end evaluate tne agricultural practices.

We have discussed with Koshkin the

‘coordination of the necessary terrestrial and egricultural work and duzl use
of the ICU; we find thet the two prorrams would be very compatible. The
available space end the cavability of the ICU should be entirely adequate to

support the implementation of both programs because they involve the seme area.

Select target paragraph3