to decline except for small. transitory rises in the next few springs.

The annual (1963) national average was ( to come ) "strontium units"
in milk.

This is less than the 34 "strontium units" predicted and

should foretell less in the bones than predicted!-,
(In general, predictions in the past of levels of strontium-90
in bones have been too higt.:

This is due in part to the selection

of data in the upper ranges to avoid underestimations of radiation
exposure. Even so, it is remarkable that the observed amounts of
strontium-90 in bones have been within about a factor of two of those
predicted considering the fact that such predictions require the
application of many scientific disciplines - nuclear physics, meteorology, chemistry, plant and animal physiology, etc., ~ often to new

That segment of the U. S. population whose bones will receive
the highest radiation dose are children born in 1963 in regions of

‘heavier rainfall.

The total radiation exposure - from internally

deposited as well as external radionuclides ~ has been predicted to be
about 465 milliroentgens (0.465 roentgens) accumulated over a 70 year
period! -.

(This was based in part on predictions - that now appear

to be somewhat too high - of the strontium-90 in the food supply.)

Evaluation -

The predicted average 70-year radiation dose to the bones of the
age group receiving the highest exposure from all past tests - about

465 milliroentgens (0.465 roentgens) - is about five percent of the
bone dose received during the same 70 year period from natural background sources.


CD a


Select target paragraph3