
Strontium-90 and Strontium-89

Background Information Strontium-90 has a half-life of about 28 years.

deposited in the bones.

It is selectively

Chemically it is similar to calcium.


facts have led to the use of the "strontium unit" defined as one picocurie (2.2 disintegrations per minute) of strontium-90 per grams of

Strontium-90 may become associated with foodstuffs by surface contamination of plants or by uptake from the soil.

During years of rela-

tively heavy fallout surface contamination accounts for more of the
activity in plants but in the absence of atmospheric nuclear testing
the avenue of soil uptake predominates.

The periods showing the highest

amount of strontium-90 in the food supply have been invariably the springs
and summers following years of heaviest testing.

This is because of

meteorological factors and also the fact that surface contamination contributes more to the total strontium-90 activity found in plant life than
does soil uptake during these periods.

(Incidentally, the cesium-137

content of plant life is even more dependent on surface contamination
since only very small amounts are taken up from the soil).

Areas of

heavier rainfall show higher levels of strontium-90.
Milk is one of the best indicators of strontiwm-90 in the food
supply, yet at the same time it is one of the best sources of calcium.
(Remember it is not just the amount of strontium-90 that is important but
also how much there is present in relation to calcium).

In fact, the

total diet has roughly 1.5 times as great a strontium-90/calcium ratio
as dots milk alone 12



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