MOE 7 bP Bhd gt 3 Crag a eeUNITED STATES™_ _ATOMIC_ENERGY COMMISSION Cos ASHINGTONISE Uae esisa 26 January 195 OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Dear Mr. President: The hydrogen weapon tests which you recently authorized are scheduled to begin with the first shot on March lst. They will continue at intervals (assuming favorable meteorological conditions for observation) as follows: March 1-11-22-29 April 5-15-22. It requires about two days to fly from washington to the Proving Grounds at Eniwetok and Bikini. Will you have any interest in witnessing either of the shots? In such event, I would like to make arrangements as well in advance as possible. “ot Respectfully, ADMEUSTRATION, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT UME NTAI si Cor al NS3 NT KG ETERS MINED THAT THIS DOC ON RC FE ERLY FORM OR PESTRICTEED DATA . CTION TO 1TS LDECLASSITICA ?ERDA HAS NO OBJECT [aie jfilet (/ a Learticea TEE DIVISION OF CLASSIFICATION, US. ERERGE EAS re . is L. Strauss Lew\, DATE 2 A & A ‘ CVs ] how 8. The President The White House Ds 2 . ~ —t LD Bike Le (704 mew eee & Az.