NUT Er Pra ttre ns UihPeah 2 iL my . Tah By wo-HfZecta & JUN 1-6 1093 ‘ Serctat Z., Souments United Statis Ais Force : UPA-Lk~Z “Tab 3) i Force ‘ Repom of Operation Fitcwiliiam. Upited States Air order, Fitzwilliam Forward, Operation Fitzwilliar | Volume I. Tab B, Operations Ne de 51 pp : 1} Atomic Explosions <‘ --Detection ¢ 2) Fitzwilliam : ion ; 3} Long Range Detect~ | 4.| Sandstone _ i 5, Raddation Detect- | ion Instruments WD-Effects & instrunent 8 Secret | t United States Air Force USAF-LA=2 (Tab D Report of Operation Fitzwilliam, United States Volume I, Tab D.. Project Firstrake, Air Force ny de. 177 pp Qperation Fitz Willian 1. Atomic + AWS participation in Fitzwilliam, Naps peeae rE USAF-LA-2 (Tab D) | Explosions-— Detection . . ( cont'd on page 2) 2. Firstrate 3. Fitswillian f . 4. Long Range _ Detection 2 USAF-LA~2 (Tab D) ’ VD-Eiteats & Secret Mmstruments _5e Sandstone 6, Radjation Detection struments oe ‘ | ‘ , , t 7 Aes