as set forth in a written report which he had forwarded to the Committees.

At Berkeley the interest came mainly from Seaborg's group which vished to
make and study transplutonic elononts of. Z 79 to perhaps ag nigh@as102.

Yalewished the facility for staff and griciate student research,The |
Oak Ridge interests ‘also were general;“their propédal. tia pushedmainly
by Dr. Livingston of the eyclotron group,

Dr, Bugher nentiohedthat ee

there was inedidal interest in the use of high energy heavy particles for, oe

delivering radiation dosage in depth,
In the discussion of these proposals, the following points were


"Some additional personnel would be required for the ORNL
project (Dr. Johnson). Is it sensible to build another cyclotron

when so many already exist (Dr. Fisk)?

Perhaps|one of the existing

large cyelotrons which can't make mesons should be: converted(Dr.

The art of making ion sources deliver large currents:is

woll developed at Oak Ridge,

The project would naturally fall in

line with their interest and experience with the B6N eyelotron and
the acceleration of N lbs but it would not be crippling to the

Laboratory if they do not get it (Dr. Wigner).



Yale and California would pool engineering facilitiesfor thePd
design and deve lopment of their machines.

Yale is very keenly


interested and would construct the building with university funds,

| It needs a machine since it now has no major nuclear fabilities

(Dr. Johnson). It would be very desirable to.getYale back into
nuclear physics (Dr. Rabi).

Select target paragraph3