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tolerance for the Sr-90/Ca ratio,

("Tolerance in this case means the

allowable magnitude of the Sr-90/Ca ratio in the human body, 2.2 dpm/gram’ a

Dr. Libby also presented some figures for the tritium content of

rain water from the Philippine Islands and from Chicago.
ranged from2 to 13 disintegrations per minute per gallon,

The values .


In the latter

part of September,after the Russian shots, Chicago rain water rose to
39 dpm/gal.

Chicago tap water, Mississippi River water, and Pacific a

Ocean water were 1 dpm/gal or less.


Dr, Libby said that the various


indications were not much worse than expected but deserved consideration,

Dr. Smyth asked who was worrying about the missing Mike debris?
Dr. Bugher indicated that all concerned with the Sunshine problem were,
He said that conceivably most of it had fallen out in the Pacific, or
that it might be still stored in the atmosphere. During the Castle tests
fall-out stations will be maintained on Navy vessels to test the fall-out oS
question further.


-At this point, Dr. von Neumann, Mr, Murray, Dr. Smyth, and Condr,
Dunford left the meeting,
Next, Dr, Johnson reported on accelerators and on controlled thermonuclear reactions,
Three proposals were before the GAC for the construction of heavy
. Heavy

- Particle


particle accelerators.

The aim was to accelerate heavy ions (berylliun

to neon) to energies of about 10 Mev per nucleon so that they could
penetrate the potential barriers of even the heaviest nuclei, and to

study the reactions and reaction products,

UCRL and Yale proposed linear.

accelerators, each costing $1,2 million, ORNL a 114" cyclotron costing
$2 million,

Dr. Johnson reviewed the proposals of the three institutions

Select target paragraph3