the Operation, Task Group 7.5 was organized along Military lines,
Staff positions were filled bypersonnel of the AEC, whereas the
line organization followed closely the normal organizational
pattern of the Contractor and was completely manned by Holmes &
Narver employees.

The principal contributor was the Eniwetok

Field Office which had been delegated responsibility by the Man-

ager, SFO, for normal direct and contract activities at the
Pacific Proving Grounds.

This Field Office accomplished its

functions of engineering, design, construction, operation and
maintenance through a Contractor, Holmes & Narver, Inc.


the interim period, personnel who constituted the TG staff during
the Operation performed, in addition to their normal AEC duties,

functions of planning and preparation with coordination being


exercised by the Commander, in his capacity of Director of SFOsOffice of Test Operations,

The Field Manager, Eniwetok Field

Office, was Deputy Commander, TG 7.5, for the Operation.
At the time when the AEC transferred its authority to the Task

Force Commander, TG 7.5 became operational, the normal duties of

its personnel were assimilated into their functions in the TG 7.5
organization, and execution of the previously developed operation
plan and the assigned mission became the objectives of the entire
Task Group.

Upon completion of the operational period, these per-

sonnel reverted to their normal functions and concluding operational

activities of the Task Group were handled through AK channels.
During the construction period, the Holmes & Narver organization
at the Jobsite reached a maximum of 2,318; during the operational

LANL, J-Div.

Select target paragraph3