
Provide for radiological safety of TG 7.1 and 7.5 personnel
in periods between operations.


Formulate and operate a comprehensive security program to
cover AEC interest during non-operational periods, and during operations to provide at the proving grounds security
servicing for AEC, AEC contractor components, and TG 7.1,
in coordination with the staff of JIF SEVEN and AEC Washington.



For the operational period beginning 15 December 1953, and ending

2 June 1954, the Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN was designated
as Senior Atomic Energy Commission representative at the Pacific
Proving Grounds with full authority to act for the Commission in all

matters which concerned the successful execution of OPERATION CASTLE.
Direct AEC participation in OPERATION CASTLE was represented by Task

Group 7.1 which had responsibility for developing, preparing and executing the scientific program and by Task Group 7.5, which had re-

sponsibility for providing base facilities, performing necessary
construction, supporting the Scientific Task Force with personnel,
equipment and material, and administering AEC interests in the Operation and in the Pacific Proving Grounds.

Task Group 7.5 was

formally activated on 4 March 1953, with Mr. James E. Reeves of the
Santa Fe Operations Office, AEC, designated as Commander.

TG 7.5 was a composite orgenization, personnel being assigned from
various offices and divisions of the Sante Fe Operations Office.




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