with Military Rad-Safe organizations during operational periods but
still retain responsibility for the actions of TG 7.5 personnel.

In future operations, it is recommended that the Field Manager's


Rad-Safe Group be maintained as a unit within the Task Force RadSafe organization and that this unit continue with the responsibility of TG 7.5 Rad-Safe activities, including maintenance of records.
In this connection, it is our intention to train field supervision

personnel of the Contractor to do their own monitoring and "Dolicing" |
of Contractor's personnel so that during any future operation speee

cial monitors will not be required by TG 7.5 working parties.

It is our opinion that success of the Operation was again handicapped by an unrealistic public relations policy.

It is stroagly

recommended that public relations aspects of these full-scale tests
be fully reviewed and that the Task Force elements, along with interested offices of AEC, develop for consideration by the Department of Defense and the AEC a revised concept of public information


In this connection, it is recommended that the official

observer and project participant programs be reviewed so as to be

more significant and meaningful to designated observers and to reduce the operational problems related to the programs.
Information regarding progress of operations was received at SFOO

by retransmission only with considerable time delay and, in many
cases, unsatisfactory coverage.

ceived direct transmission.

Some egencies,

such as Sandia, re-

No doubt there were many such scien-

tific agencies sending direct transmission to home stations.

LANL, J-Div,


Select target paragraph3