without serious delays and, generally, on schedule can only be
attributed to the excellent cooperation between all parties.


though the operational phase was changed completely in scope as
a result of the first detonation, the rapid solving of the resulting problems indicates that the existing organizational setup was

flexible enough to accommodate such radical changes in plans.
There are a few points however, that might be improved upon in
another operation in the interests of saving both time and money,
It is apparent that there is some duplication of effort, per- ~| ale |
sonnel and facilities, particularly between TG 7.1 and 767.5, in

\4 .

fields of administration, construction planning,


supply and opera-

It is considered that most of this duplication results.

from previous operations where the Scientific Task Group included
the AEC Base Facilities group, and the various areas of responsipility were distributed throughout the Task Group.


the capabilities of the Base Facilities Task Group, and to relieve

the Scientific Task Group of the maximum amount of non-technical
functions, it is recommended that discussions already initiated
between the Santa Fe Operations Office, AEC, the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and the University of California Radiation

Laboratory be continued and expanded toward eliminating such duplication in all ways possible and the transfer of es many nonscientific functions eas practicable to TG 7.5.

It is believed that OPERATION CASTLE has clearly indicated a
desirability for establishing a non-military Rad-Safe unit within TG 7.5 which would be readily susceptible to interrelation

LANL, J-Div.





Select target paragraph3