The initial experimental event of OPERATION CASTLE was executed

at 0645 hours on 1 March 1954.

Due to the widespread destruction

at Eninman and Enyu and the high degree of radioactive contamination,
pre-test plans for re-entry had to be abandoned.

The initial test

(Bravo - Station 20) was the only experiment that took place in accordance with the scheduled dates established for this Operation.
The original plans for re-entry called for the re-occupation of

Enyu and Eninman, but due to the unfavorable conditions following
the Bravo test, the evacuees were sent to Enivetok Atoll.

The men

were transported during the night and were put ashore on the fol-

lowing day.

There were 1,330 men evacuated - 200 of TG 7.2 and 7.4, 1130 of
T 7.1 and 7.5.

The former were quartered on Eniwetok Island, the

latter were quartered on Parry; TG 7.3 personnel remained afloat.
Close liaison was necessary between all Task Groups in order to
properly feed, clothe and house this sudden influx of populetion
at Eniwetok Atoll.

Mess hall schedules were changed; PX operations

were altered so the men could replenish personel supplies; recreation centers, beach clubs, etc. were emptied and used for housing.
Due to the existing contamination at Bikini Atoll following the
Bravo event, notification was received that future tests would be
conducted from aboard ship.

All Task Force personnel engaged in

additional test preparations were quartered afloat.

Permission to

disembark for the Atoll was granted for specific work assignments
only and was under Rad-Safe control at all times.

TG 7.5 personnel


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Select target paragraph3