in frequency to one and four flights per day,

Air transportation

at Eniwetok Atoll consisted of small liaison planes of the L-13
class plus helicopters supplied and manned by Task Group 7.4, and
dispatched by Task Group 7.5,

At Bikini, it was determined that

support could be provided by helicopters, thus eliminating the
necessity for building airstrips at the various sites,


helicopter support was somewhat inadequate at first, it later
proved to be of material assistance because of the craft's ability to land small working parties at isolated locations difficult

to approach by water,

Minimum cost helicopter mats were provided

at the major camp sites,


ATG 7.5 motor pool was established on Parry,

and the dispatching, as well as maintenance, of all vehicles was


the responsibility of TG 7.5.


Two practice personnel musters held in February proved benefical in that the final muster conducted during the evacuation pe-

riod was an orderly and expeditious procedure.
On the final muster, all Task Force personnel were evacuated
from Bikini Atoll by TG 7.3.

Men evacuated from Bokobyaadaa,

Nam and Romurikku were instructed to carry all of their personal

effects aboard ship, while men evacuated from Enyu and Eninman
were to bring a three-day supply of clothing and personal effects.
All minute details of the evacuation were handled by TG 7.5.

LANL, J-Div,

Select target paragraph3