- PY 1982 BUDGET U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PACIFIC AREA SUPPORT OFFICE Holmes & Narver Inc. Pacific Test Division | Contractor Date: FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT March 3, 1980 Program HA PROGRAM HA (M Dollars) Ship Rental Costs are those which are paid to charter the R. V. Liktanur II. Charter costs include ship rental, crew, maintenance and repair and all other operating expenses except fuel, food and berthing at Kwajalein. POL - fuel is consumed only at sea. time of the vessel. All estimates assume the same rate of consumption and full operating Estimates allow for a moderate price increase each year. SéQ - At sea, the ship must provide food and water for all hands, as opposed to none while the ship is at Kwajalein. Estimates are based on a full usage of contracted operating days plus increases of about seven per cent in FY¥s 1980 and 1981. Ship Modifications - Estimates provide for minor modifications to accommodate new situations. DOE Equipment Maintenance includes the cost of installation and maintenance of all DOE trailers and other equipment used aboard ship and also DOE vehicles and small boats assigned to the operation. Miscellaneous Non-Operating Costs ~ include program coorcination travel expenses, procurement and cargo. S&éQ Revenue credit represent the reimbursement of meal costs by the scientific teams that utilize the chartered vessel.