PY 1982 BUDGET U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PACIFIC AREA SUPPORT OFFICE Holmes & Narver Inc. Pacific Test Division FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/ACREEMENT Contractor HA~02-01-01 PROGRAM HA Date: (M Dollars) March 3, 1980 roan ogram HA , Human Health Effects from Energy Generation b. Research Vessel Operation FY.1980 1981s FY_1982 § 650.0 $ 700.0 DOE, through Holmes & Narver, Inc., charters a 118-foot motor research vessel named the R. V. and home-ported at Kwajalein Atoil. $ 770.0 Liktanur II The ship is essential to the DOE Bio-Med Environmental R&D programs, inasmuch as it constitutes the only reliable source of transportation available to the medical and sctentific laboratories which conduct the programs on various Pacific Atolls. Major segments of the budget estimates are tabulated below: Ship Rental Costs POL - S&Q & Misc. Operating Ship Modifications DOE Equipment Maintenance Mise. Non-Operating Costs Revenue FY 1980 FY 1981 FY 1982 § 550.0 15.0 S 590.0 16.0 S 650.0 18.0 5.0 38.0 27.0 5.0 42.0 30.0 32.0 (17.0) $650.0 35.0 _(18.0) § 700.0 38.0 . 8.0 46.0 33.07 (23.9). $770.0 ——