Hol 44 DodsFerm81304 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT YY, . 2 EN NUMBER 2. no 3. ne 4, PROJECT NO. frande meer — 7. TASK TITLE Human Health Effects {10. TASX TERM : Berio: HA 02-01-01(b) 11. CONTRACTOR NAME End: (mm dd yy) (mm dd yy) Continuing 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Namz, FTS ,vo,} 2,.COdD=z (ope inatructions) Holmes & Narver, Inc., PTD 14, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS We J. Stanley, Director, USDOE/PASO FTS No. 556-0220 Ask for (808) 422.92]] N/A . 15. ¥/ORK LOCATION (See Instrucnons): Name of fectlity, City, State, 2/P Code Marshal? . DE~ACO8-76NV00020/ 0001 0852 5. WORK PACKAGE TITLE Research Vessel Operation 9. OVUOCET AND REPOATING COOE 6. CONTRACTOR NUMBER 3/2/80 16. Dees this task include any management services efforts? Islands - TTPI CJ ves fo) No 17, TASK DESCRIPTION (Approach, relation to work package, tn 200 words or less) See attached sheets : BEST COPY AVAILABLE a 1a. CONT RACTOR TASK tANAGER , ‘ é t } . o / pom, ° } ae -\ + [of oe / > * LL ~ —. \(Siznature) , ~ A . a “ a aa > Se (Date) LO. EVAL ATTACHMENTS: (See Instructions} L-Js. Pactiity Requirements (Od. Background Cog. Puture accomplishments Cb. Publications Cle. Approach (Th. Relationships to other profects (In, Furpese ()f. Technical progress 9010723 qn (Ji. Environmental assessment Cj. Explanation of milestones CJ &. Other (specity):