



FRC Staff and Working Group Reviews of Prospective Activities

The FRC staff and Working Group have kept problems related to
radiation hazards and radiation protection under continuous surveillance

from the point of view of the desirability of FRC involvement. From
these many discussions and briefings, a list of suggested projects was
drawn up.

These are listed below in order of priority.

l. Updating of FRC report 1 --- Several developments have occurred
in the past ten years that appear to warrant an examination of the ways
to interpret the estimate of the upper limit of risks associated with
exposures that could occur under the FRC guidelines. Three methods
of interpretation are now extant: (a) an absolute risk estimate expressed
in terms of the number of malignancies per million persons exposed
per rad of radiation, (b) a percentage increase over the spontaneous risk
(incidence) and (c) comparative risks based on comparative doses with
the comparison dose usually taken as the average annual dose from

naturally occurring sources.

Current ICRP recommendations are intended by that organization to
apply to mining as well as other occupational exposures and also to

potential cosmic radiation exposures associated with high altitude flight.
The numerical standards in FRC report 1 have not been applied to either.
The mandate to keep exposures as low as practicable has proved to be
particularly troublesome in regulatory activities.

Updating FRC report 2 --- Current problems indicate that radio-

activity concentration guides for 3H, 85xkr, and 137Cs may be needed.

3. Plowshare --- The Working Group has been briefed on the proposal
to excavate a new Atlantic-Pacific canal by the use of nuclear explosives.
Existing standards did not envision such an activity and thei. applicability
is dubious.
The use of nuclear detonations for gas stimulation has been discussed at
some length. The staff position is that existing regulations in AEC
Part 20 are applicable to the experimental phase of such programs but

not to commercial use including residual radioactivity in the gas distributed
to customers.

Select target paragraph3