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Attachment B

Transportation of radioactive materials --- The staff felt that this

problem could be handled best by an interagency committee and that the
FRC would not be involved unless a problem developed.


SST applications --- The staff recommended that the FAA establish

an advisory committee to help it in the collection of the necessary information
on cosmic ray intensities at SST altitudes. It did not appear appropriate

for the staff to suggest FRC involvement at that time but developments are

being watched.
6. Relocation of natives on Bikini Atoll --- This was handled as an inter-~agency operation. However, the Working Group was kept continuously

up to date by the AEC on the survey results.

RPG's or PAG's for plutonium --- The two accidents involving nuclear

weapons, the current problem at Rocky Flats and the prospects of

plutonium fueled reactors has led to several suggestions that guidance
specifically to deal with plutonium should be considered.
been taken on this suggestion.

No action has

8. Methods of quantitating benefits --- The proposal that FRC should
develop a standardized formula for estimating the ''benefit'' side of the
benefit~risk balance has often come up. The current posture is that such
a balance is made on the basis of broad parameters and that the concept
becomes very difficult to apply to specific problems or projects.

Manned Space flight --- The FRC staff worked with the Space

Radiation Study Panel of the Life Sciences Committee (Space Science

Board, NAS) to develop radiation protection criteria for extended manned

space missions. Under the FRC guidance, the responsibility for making
the ultimate balance between potential risk and anticipated gain is an

integral part of mission planning and approval for which NASA is account-


Accordingly, NASA is now developing different criteria for different


10. Use of vanadium and uranium mill tailings in Colorado --- Old mill
tailings have been used as substrata under some homes, and some houses
were constructed on discarded tailings areas. Significant concentrations
of radon daughter products have been measured in such homes. Assistance
to the State Health Department is being provided jointly by DHEW and AEC.

The FRC staff and Working Group are watching developments but contemplate no involvement at this time.

Select target paragraph3