
che instantaneous fraction sf atoms removed frem compartment i per unit

time by radiological mechanisms, day


the instantaneous activity in compartment i at time ¢, Becquerels,
the instantaneous activity excretion rate from compartment 1 at time ¢t
Becquerels day |,
the fraction of body activity excreted in urine,

the fraction of GI tract activity entering blood,
the instantaneous activity in the body, Becquerels,


the initial activity in the body, Becquerels,
the atom ingestion rate, atoms day,
the fraction of atoms entering blood deposited in compartment i,
uptake interval, day,
quality factor,
committed disintegrations due to 1376, remaining in body following
uptake interval, Becquerel days,
mass of individual, kg,
disintegrations due to 13765 in the body during uptake interval,
Becquerel days,
the dose equivalent to the total sody during the uptake interval, mRem,


the dose equivalent to the total body post uptake interval, mRem,


the fraction of radioactive atoms in the total body remaining in compartment i at the end of the uptake interval,
the absorbed dose to the total body per disintegration of 137¢,_137m,,

in the total body, rads dist,


Select target paragraph3