Agzendix C
Symbols, constants and equations used to calculate the 13705 - 137m,
total body dose equivalent during the uptake interval and the committed dose

The following definitions, symbols, constants and equations deseribe the
mathematical model used to calculate the dose equivalent and the committed dose


Intermediate steps can be used to determine urine activity concen-

trations or daily ingestion rates.

The equations were developed with the

assumption that the body burden as determined from whole body counting, would be

the measured quantity from the bioassay program.

Three intervals of

monotonicaily increasing, but constant and continuous uptake throughout an
interval were assumed.

Consequently, the equations must be repeated 3 times in

orger to obtain the total dose equivalent during the uptake interval.


the uptake interval corresponds to the number of days out of the resi-

dence period that an individual maintained the proposed daiiy activity ingestion
Mathematical Model

Symools, Definitions and Units of Physical Quantities



the number of atoms of species of concern present at time zero in
compartment i, atoms,



the instantaneous number of atoms of species of concern present at time
t in compartment i, atoms,



atom intake rate into compartment i frem blood, atoms day,
the instantaneous fraction of atoms removed from compartment i per unit

time by physiological mechanisms, day,


Select target paragraph3