tered semilitien and medicaliy registered children counted

only in 1979.
Table 29 summarizes the residence locations of all persons counted.
Tables 30 and 31 break this data down by sex, age and registry status for the
January 1979 and May 1979 field trips.

Tables 32 through 39 provide individual

counting dates and residence atoll or island at time of counting.

Table 40

lists registry numbers, age, name, sex and last known location of individuals
who have not been whole body counted since their departure from Bikini Atoll.
The dose equivalent to Bikini Atoll residents during their residency period was the result of internal and external sources of radiation.

In 1975, ex-

ternal exposure measurements were performed (GR 79) at Bikini Atoll.


these data and an estimate of the Marshaliese living pattern developed by
Gudixsen (GU 76), an estimate of the mean yearly net exposure rate for adult

males, adult females, adolescents and juveniles was developed and reported in a
previous publication (GR 79).

The net external dose equivalent for each individ-

ual was determined as the product of the mean net exposure rate, the residency

interval and a correction factor for radiological decay and is presented in Column 5 of Table 41.
The dose equivalent commitment for bone marrow due to 905. has been calcu-

lated for individuals from urine data reported in Tables 2 through 5.


symbols, constants and equations used are 2resented in Appendix B.

The retro-

spective dose equivalent was determined using several assumptions.

First, per-

sons returning to Bikini Atoll returned with an initial 905. body burden at baseline levels.

Second, while residing on Bikini Atoll,

individuals were subjected

to a constant and continuous uptake of 905. througn the ingestion pathway.


Select target paragraph3