ve -.n food srcducts frem coicamiaated atolls or had recently visited these

Population Census and Residence Atolls

13765 body burdens from May 1979 of individuals whose residence history on
Bikini was minimal and who had not recently (within 2 years of August 1978)
resided at Bikini Atoll were grouped together to form a comparison population.
In August 1980, a second comparison population was selected from Majuro Atoll

and Kili Island residents who had never resided on Bikini Atoll.
counting data for this group is presented in Tables 21 through 24.

The whole-bdody
Table 25 sum-

marizes the 1376, data for both the May 1979 and August 1980 comparison

The comparison population data were used in the computation of the

13705 long term biological removal rate constants reported in Table 15.
Table 26 shows the number of April 1978 Bikini residents that were
recounted on subsequent field trips.

counted on each field trip.

Column 2 lists the total number of people

Column 3 lists the total number of persons who

resided at Bixini Atoll in April 1978.

Column 4 lists the number of persons who

were medically registered in April 1978.

The difference between column 3 and 4

refleets the presence of Rongelap or Utirik residents who had moved to Bixini
Atoll between 1970 and 1978.

Column 5 lists the number of persons counted that

belong to the medically registered population listed in Column 3.

Column 6

lists the number of persons counted who reportedly resided on Bikini Atoll at

the time of relocation in Auguste 1978.

Column 7 lists the number of non-

relocated former residents counted.
Table 27 presents the number of adult males, adult females, adolescents
and juveniles which composed the medically registered, relocated population sampled in 1978 and 1979.

Table 28 presents the same sample breakdown for the


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