The FY 1985 program would consist of a whole-body counting and a urine collection
field program at Enewetak and Rongelap and a urine bioassay collection from former
Bikini residents either at Majuro; or Kili.

Bioassay for Pu would continue at the

Laboratory on about 1000 urine and stool samples. This differs from FY 1984 in regard to
location of field work; that is, emphasis will shift from Utirik back to the former Bikini
residents since current results confirm residual Pu activity due to living at Bikini Atoll,

necessitating a dose assessment. The determination of long-term Pu retention in former
Bikinians impacts on retrospective and prospective dose assessment for the residents at
Rongelap, Utirik and Enewetak. Performing urine collection and analysis for Pu may be
advisable also for residents of islands identified in the 13 atolls surveyed in 1978. During
FY 1985, increased activity should occur in the areas of management training of the
Marshallese and

training for technical execution of the program to insure proper

implementation ofa radiation protection program by the MIG.

Over the next few years

it will be our intention to guide the Marshallese to the point where they will manage and
execute the programs on their own.

Question 5

Is it feasible to transfer (a) management responsibility and (b) technical performance
responsibility for your program elements to the MIG beginning in FY 1985? Reasons for
your answer?

Management of the Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program and the Rongelap
and Utirik Thyroid Dose Reassessment Program are under the direction of Victor Bond,
Charles Meinhold, “John Baum and Edward Lessard.

Technical performance is the

responsibility of Edward Lessard, Robert Miltenberger, Anant Moorthy, Stephen Musolino

and Carl Schopfer.

Technical support is derived from eleven other members of the

Select target paragraph3