The Division's Marshall Islands Programs use sate-of-the-art computers and
radiation detection devices at the Laboratory and in the field.


scientists and technicians are employed to insure the success of remote and laboratory

At the Laboratory three radiochemistry laboratories, an anthropomorphic

calibration facility, internal dose expertise and an ultra low-level alpha and gamma
spectroscopy facility are maintained.

Two portable whole-body counting systems with

backup repair kits are maintained for field use. The Pu analysis program requires the use
of the High Flux Beam Reactor and ultra-pure chemicals. A large computer data baseis

used to store records and clerical, graphic arts and publishing facilities are required

The U.S. National Laboratories possess most of these elements.


government laboratories such as the Institute of Atomic Energy, People's Republic of
China possess similar elements which are used as a national resource like those in the

The following private organizations are capable of performing several elements of
the program:

1. Whole Body Counting:
Nuclear Data Incorporated, Schaumberg, Illinois
Radiation Management Corporation, Philadelphia,
Helgeson, Plainville, California
2. Urine Bioassay (except Pu), a few of the many organizationsare:
Radiation Management Corporation, Philadelphia,
Eberline, Santa Fe, New Mexicc


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