3, Announcement of One Foint Detonation Tests

Mr, Fields suggested that the press release on the series
of one point detonation tests to begin in Nevada early in

November be issued at once since a newspaper statement concerning

the tests had already appeared.

The Commission:

Noted that the announcement of the weapons

tests to be conducted at the Nevada Test Site in
the fail of this year would be released at once.
4, Status Report to the NSC

Mr, Fields said that he had received the comments of all
of the Commissioners except Mr, von Neumann on the draft Status

Report to the NSC (AEC 746/11), Mr, Murray asked Mr, Libby

to suggest revisions in the section of the report concerning
fall-out from atomic detonations and Mr. Libby agreed to do so.

W.B. McCool

é:.proved by the Commission;

January ll, 1956

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