f{. Appointment of Dr, Bugher to the Advisory
Committee on Biology and Medicine

g. Security Violations at ACF West Buffalo Flant



“it v

h. MVGC Negotiations



Discussions with the U,K, Concerning Uranium

Allocations and Related Matters

j. AEC 226/20 - Fosition Paper on Disarmament

State Department F roposal for Colombo Nations
Research Center

1, Cabinet Faper Concerning FCDA

2. AEC 303/7 - Advantages and Disadvantages of the-CDA
The Commissioners discussed at length with the General
Manager and members of the staff the relative advantages of
the Combined Development A gency from the AEC's point of view,
and considered to what extent the AEC would be committed to
continue as a member of the organization if allocations to the
“' K, in future years are agreed upon during forthcoming negotiaf.ons with British representatives. In response toa question
vy Mr, Murray, Mr, Johnson confirmed that if the AEC agreed to
the UK's request for allocations several years in advance rather
than ona year-to-vear basis this would be a binding commitment,

Fe said that he beiieved that the British would view with

ncoaecrn any agreement concerning future allocations which might
contain reservations concerning AEC'’s membership in CDA. He said
chat is is already apparent that the UK is concerned about the
availability of uranium and that he understood that they were
eitempting to make arrangements for purchases from Canada and

“zstraiia, He pointed out that the British are in an entirely
uiterent position from the U.S. since they have no domestic
vraniim resources.

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