ACY] 434

Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only


ner [000028

+ 60-109

May 10, 1960

The White House


Report of the Federal Radiation Council:

Radiation Protection Guidance for Federal Agencies
For consideration by the Cabinet, attached is a document prepared
by the Federal Radiation Council and submitted by its Chairma In, the
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.

The Federal Radiation Council was established by Executi ve Order

10831 of August 14, 1959 and by Public Law 86-373 of Septemt er 23,
1959 to "advise the President with respect to radiation rater airectly
or indirectly affecting health, including guidance for all Feder agencies

in the formulation of radiation standards...".

After extensive consultation with qualified advisers, incl


representatives of the National Committee on Radiation Proteqdtion, of
the International Commission on Radiological Protection and
National Academy of Sciences, and thorough interdepartmenta! consideration, the Council has prepared two documents,
One is a li png
background paper, the other the attached Report to the Presid ent,
drawn from and based upon the longer document.
It is the intent of the Council that following Presidential a) pproval of
this Report, the Report would be published soon, that its reco mmendations would be implemented by the affected Federal Agencies, and that
its substance would be used as the basis for Administration te stimony
at the coming hearings on this subject before the Joint Congre ssional
Committee on Atomic Energy.
This document is being given limited circulation; each re ipient is
requested to take special precautions to preserve its privileg

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