



N2 G64.

Geographic Position and Azimuth

Reproduced from the holdings of ‘the National=Archives

f In the interests of economy and because we concurred with the Joint Task Force
Seven Survey that little accuracy would be lost, it was our intention to accept

je geographical position of station North Base and the azimmth of the new base |

Also’ the length

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;, Line as the origin of position and azimuth for the present survey.

Sout h west Re gion

of the base line would bé-apcopted.
Tn observing|for the present survey the base expansion quadrangle was observed

“Jast. due to the necessity‘ef conatructing the new station, Pinnacle, in the.lagoon.

Ste results obtained indicated thet the present location of the marker was eccen=
trie to the position from which the Task Force Seven observations were taken and

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could not be accepted as the point of origin’‘of the present survey. A computed

‘difference of approximately four tenths of.z foot in a northeasterly dtrection was

found. This difference may have been caused by physical displacement of the

The Los Angeles office of. the U.S.C.& G.S. concurred in’ the conelusion that

station North Base could not be accepted as being in its true position, also in
'. the decision to measure the line from the present position of station North B ase
to station Runit to establish a base line for the present survey.

The geographical

position of station Runit and the azimmth-of the Line from station Runit to station
Coral would be accepted for position and azimuth as the Limited extent of the adjustments -Anvol ved would not appreciably effect the accuracy requirements of this

Select target paragraph3